Friday, February 19, 2010

Year-End Report 2009 (Code Enforcement)

The Steuben County Plan Commission is responsible for enforcing several County Ordinances: the Zoning Ordinance, the Subdivision Control Ordinance, Ordinance 658 (Public Environmental Nuisances), and Ordinance 771 (Abatement of Abandoned Motor Vehicles).

In 2009, the Plan Commission processed 102 environmental nuisance complaints, 34 abandoned vehicle complaints, and 175 other ordinance violations. A total of 470 cases have been closed this past year.

The following graph shows new ordinance violation cases by month. The first bar is public environmental nuisances, the second is abandoned vehicles, and the third is other ordinance violations.

New Ordinance Violations by Month

The following graph shows closed ordinance enforcement cases by month.

Ordinance Enforcement Cases Closed by Month

In addition to the above actions, the Plan Commission conducted a “clean-up day” in cooperation with the Walden Woods Community Association and Steuben County Community Service Workers. Two 40-yard dumpsters were filled over the weekend.

Towards the end of 2009, the Plan Commission began an effort to modernize and streamline code enforcement procedures. This overhaul process is only beginning; it may be several months until the full impact and benefits of these reforms will be realized. Our goal is to have all code enforcement cases resolved or sent to the court within 90 days of receiving a complaint or identifying a violation.