Tuesday, April 20, 2010

BZA Results- April 19, 2010

SE-10-02 Boathouse LLC - APPROVED conditions (5-0)
Special Exception Use for a Marina in a General Business District
Conditions: 1) Petitioners must enforce the rules as presented to the BZA, 2) Site must be maintained in a neat & clean manner, 3) Docking & site improvements as presented, 4) Petition to be reviewed in October 2010 and annually by the BZA, 5) Petitioners shall post contact numbers on the site.
Notes: None.

V-10-23A Donald & Lane Ross - TABLED (5-0)
Road-front setback of twenty (20) feet rather than the twenty-five (25) feet required.
Conditions: n/a
Notes: Applicant stated road-front setback was twenty (20) feet. Actual road-front setback is eighteen (18) feet three (3) inches. The variance request will be modified and new legal notification will be sent.

V-10-23B Donald & Lane Ross - APPROVED as presented (5-0)
Side-yard setback of four (4) feet rather than the five (5) feet required.
Conditions: As presented.
Notes: Reduced setback is to the farthest extent of the roof overhang. The walls are five (5) feet from the property line. Project is for a second-story addition to a detached garage.

V-10-23C Donald & Lane Ross - APPROVED as presented (4-1)
Accessory building height of two (2) stories rather than the one (1) story allowed
Conditions: As presented.
Project is for a second-story addition to a detached garage.

V-10-24A Phil Cain & Shawn Stark - APPROVED as presented (5-0)
Lot depth to width ratio of eight and nine-tenths to one (8.9:1) rather than the four to one (4:1) allowed.
Conditions: As presented.
Notes: Proposed plat is considered a major subdivision. The Plan Commission will hear the primary approval request on May 5, 2010.

V-10-24B Phil Cain & Shawn Stark - APPROVED as presented (5-0)
Zero (0) square feet of recreation area rather than the thirteen thousand five hundred (13,500) square feet required.
Conditions: As presented.
Proposed plat is considered a major subdivision. The Plan Commission will hear the primary approval request on May 5, 2010.