The Steuben County Board of Commissioners have approved the following Zone Changes:
Z-09-01 Smith: Agricultural to Local Business.
South side of Orland Rd. across from 5325 W Orland.
First Reading- September 21, 2009.
Second Reading- October 7, 2009.
Third Reading- October 7, 2009.
Z-09-02 Hamilton: Local Business to Lake Residential
Lot #3, Old Ford Plat, West of 3870 Bay View.
First Reading- September 21, 2009.
Second Reading- October 7, 2009.
Third Reading- October 7, 2009.
Z-09-03 Ellis: Lake Residential to Local Business
1865 W SR 120
First Reading- September 21, 2009.
Second Reading- October 7, 2009.
Third Reading- October 7, 2009.