Tuesday, October 13, 2009

BZA Results- October 13, 2009

V-09-40A Houghton - Undetermined (no majority)
Side-yard setback of zero (0) feet rather than the five (5) feet required.
Note: Post-construction variance. Not sufficient votes to approve or deny the request. To be continued.*
V-09-40B Houghton - Denied (3-1)
Impervious coverage of fifty-one (51) percent rather than the fifty (50) percent allowed.
Note: Post-construction variance.
V-09-40C Houghton - Denied (4-0)
Lakefront setback of zero (0) feet rather than the minimum of twenty (20) feet required.
Note: Post-construction variance.

V-09-41 Ludy - Approved (4-0)
Lakefront setback of thirty-one and eight-tenths (31.8) feet rather than the fifty (50) feet required.
Note: For second story addition above existing footprint.

V-09-42 Hertel - Denied (3-1)
Two (2) detached accessory structures on a parcel rather than the one allowed.
Note: Post-construction variance.

V-09-43A Lake George Lutheran Chapel - Approved as presented (4-0)
Front-yard setback of seventeen (17) feet rather than the forty (40) feet required.
Note: Reduced setback is for an open-air canopy.
Conditions: As presented.
V-09-43B Lake George Lutheran Chapel - Approved (4-0)
Front-yard setback of eight (8) feet rather than the twenty (20) feet required for parking/auto circulation.

V-09-45 Phillips/BAT Investments - Undetermined as presented (no majority)
Land-use variance for mini/self-storage garages in a Lake Residential Zoning District.
Conditions: As presented. To be continued.*

* Motions must receive a majority of the entire BZA membership in order to be approved. Staff will arrange for voting at which the petitioner and any remonstrators may be present.