Monday, September 28, 2009

Special Meeting Reminder

The Steuben County Plan Commission and Steuben County Board of Zoning Appeals will be holding Special Meetings tonight, September 28, 2009, starting at 7pm.

Location is the Multi-puropose Room (the old cafeteria) in the basement of the Steuben County Community Center, 317 South Wayne, Angola.

The Plan Commission Agenda is SE-09-06 Stockwell Acres. The petition is for a Special Exception for a confined feed operation in an Ag Zone.

Please note: the Plan Commission does not have a public hearing for special exceptions; there will be no public comment during their consideration of the petition.

The BZA Agenda is SE-09-06 Stockwell Acres & V-09-48 ABC Stockwell Acres. Petitions are for a Special Exception for a confined feed operation in an Ag Zone and reduced setbacks.

Please note: the BZA will have a public hearing for both the special exception and the variances. Members of the public are welcome to speak in favor or in opposition at the appropriate time.