Friday, February 18, 2011

(A-11-01 Revised) Subdivision Control Ordinance Amendment

The revised amendment to the Steuben County Subdivision Control Ordinance, (A-11-01 Revised), is now available on the Home Tab of the Steuben County GIS. It is also available for review at the Plan Commission Office or by request.

This amendment was originally heard by the Plan Commission and forwarded with a FAVORABLE recommendation, with conditions, at its January 5, 2011, meeting.

Staff and legal counsel have reviewed the proposed ordinance with conditions and determined it should be revised to be fully compliant with Indiana Code.

The amendment shows text to be deleted with red strikethrough and the text to be added with red bold italic. It does not show the complete text of the subdivision control ordinance, only those parts that are being amended.

Please contact the Plan Commission Office if you would like to have a copy of either the amendment of the subdivision control ordinance, as it will be with the proposed amendment.

The Plan Commission will reconsider the revised amendment at its public meeting on March 2, 2011. Amendments are then forwarded to the County Board of Commissioners.