Friday, November 5, 2010

Code Enforcement Liens- November 5, 2010

The Steuben County Plan Commission recorded liens against eleven (11) properties on Friday, November 5, 2010, for unpaid code enforcement fines.

Most fines resulted from Public Environmental Nuisances, tall grass and junk.

When a code violation has been confirmed, a notice is sent to the property owner identifying the violation, the necessary steps to remedy the violation, the deadline (minimum of 10 days, typically 14 days), and the fines that will occur if the violation has not been remedied.

After the deadline has passed, the Plan Commission may contract with companies or individuals to bring the property into compliance (mowing the grass or removing junk). A bill is sent to the property owner with the cost to the Plan Commission plus an administrative fee. If the bill is not paid within 30 days, the Plan Commission may place a lien against the property.