Monday, August 9, 2010

BZA Results- August 9, 2010

V-10-45 William Bressler - APPROVED with conditions (5-0)
Side-yard setback of four (4) feet six (6) inches rather than the five (5) feet required.
Conditions: Wall must be no closer than five (5) feet from the property line.
Notes: Setback is for the roof overhang. The wall is five feet from the property line.

V-10-46A Anthony & Norma Viers - TABLED until September (5-0)
Foundation elevation of 956.9' rather than the 958.9' required.
Conditions: n/a.
Notes: Petition will be heard as old business on Tuesday, September 7, 2010.

V-10-46B Anthony & Norma Viers - TABLED until September (5-0)
Accessory structure height of two (2) stories rather than the one (1) story allowed.
Conditions: n/a.
Notes: Petition will be heard as old business on Tuesday, September 7, 2010.

V-10-47 James & Janice Mies - APPROVED with conditions (5-0)
Lakefront setback of two (2) feet rather than the twenty (20) feet required.
Conditions: The reduced two (2) foot setback is for the stairway only, the deck must be reconfigured to meet the twenty (20) foot setback.
Notes: Post-construction.

V-10-48 Robert Vannatta & Star Homes - APPROVED as presented (5-0)
Road-front setback of sixteen (16) feet rather than the twenty-five (25) feet required.
Conditions: As presented.
Notes: Existing home will be removed and replaced with a new home.

V-10-49 John & Judith Wannemacher - APPROVED as presented (5-0)
Side-yard setback of three (3) feet six (6) inches rather than the five (5) feet required.
Conditions: As presented.
Notes: Setback is for the roof overhang.

V-10-50 John Friedel - APPROVED (4-0)
A lot area of two (2) acres rather than the three (3) acres required for a single horse.
Conditions: None.
Notes: Halsey recused himself from this petition. Variance requested for purchaser of the property.

V-10-51 Stacy Elling & Ross Gerken - APPROVED as presented (5-0)
Building-to-building setback of five and one-tenths (5.1) feet rather than the ten (10) feet required.
Conditions: As presented.
Notes: None.

V-10-52 Daniel & Nancy Anthony & Phil Meyers - APPROVED (4-0)
Construct a detached accessory structure on a lot in a platted subdivision that is not adjacent to the residence.
Conditions: None.
Notes: Halsey recused himself from hearing this petition.