Friday, July 9, 2010

Proposed Integrated Sign Program

This document is a draft guide to a proposed Integrated Sign Program. The Plan Commission does not intend to act on the plan as outlined in this document at this time. This document is intended to provide further discussion with interested parties throughout the county and within the Plan Commission membership; it is a starting point not the finish line. The draft document may be adopted with some minor changes or with some very major changes. Those wishing to affect the Integrated Sign Program should know that their input will be considered. They should contact the Plan Commission Office and attend Plan Commission Hearings to make their opinion known.

The purpose of this program is to set the guidelines and procedures to allow Steuben County to install various directional signs along both county and state roads.

Steuben County has a large number of seasonal residents and tourists/visitors to the community. It is important to help them locate attractions and businesses in the county.

The road system’s interaction with the lakes and rivers can make it difficult for individuals to locate attractions and businesses in the county.

Several types of off-premise signs are permitted within road right-of-ways. Guidelines have been developed and outlined as part of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways (MUTCD) 2009 and Indiana Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (IMUTCD).

INDOT may authorize the County to install wayfinding/tourist signs in state road right-of-ways if the County adopts a plan that is approved by INDOT.

Many signs have been erected at intersections throughout Steuben County. Some have received valid permits, and some have not. The number of signs can increase hazards to the traveling public by increasing distractions to drivers.

The Steuben County Plan Commission identified “Improving the Image and Identity of Steuben County” as the third highest priority of all the goals identified in the Steuben County Comprehensive Plan of 2006.

The program will allow for safe, attractive installation of directional guidance signs throughout Steuben County. It can reduce clutter near major intersections, improving sightlines and safety. It will provide greater access to businesses and attractions of interest to the public, including tourists and residents. It will allow for seamless installation at the lowest cost possible. It can help to improve the image and identity of Steuben County.

The program must be consistent with state guidelines for the county to be approved to install signs in state road right-of-ways. However, the program can be more flexible for county roads and allow a greater number of business and attractions to participate. This will require the creation of two classifications, one for business and attractions on county roads and one for businesses and attractions on state and county roads.

The program should be designed to encourage voluntary removal of other off-premise signs throughout the county.

The program will need to include a number of definitions. These definitions will need to comply with the Steuben County Zoning Ordinance and applicable federal and state guidelines.

The definitions will describe the different types of businesses and signs that are part of the program.

General Eligibility Requirements.
The Indiana Tourist Attraction Sign Policy outlines several eligibility requirements:

Except for any category-specific criteria for eligibility or a stated exception for any category of tourist attraction, all attractions shall meet the following general criteria:
Admission Charges - If general admission is charged, charges shall be clearly displayed at the place of entry so as to be apparent to all prospective visitors.
General - Attractions shall satisfy all requirements in this policy; be open to all persons regardless of race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, sex, age or disability; be neat, clean and pleasing in appearance; be maintained in good repair; and comply with all federal, state and local regulations for public accommodations concerning health, sanitation and safety.
On-Premise Sign - The attraction shall have an on-premise sign identifying the name of the facility.
Parking - Adequate off-street parking for normal visitor demand but not less than 15 vehicles.
Registration to do business - Attractions shall be registered with the Indiana Secretary of State’s Office and be current with their business entity report. Attractions shall submit a current 2009 Vendor Information Form ( with their federal tax ID# to INDOT and the Indiana Auditor of State.
Restrooms and Drinking Water – Modern restrooms and drinking water must be available for public use without charge. If an admission fee is charged for access to the attraction, the restrooms and drinking water may be limited to paying customers, but no additional fee above the admission charge may be charged for restroom access or drinking water.

The above eligibility requirements should be adopted with only minimal changes for the Integrated Sign Program.

Additional requirements can and should be adopted. Several recommendations are:

The attraction should be registered with Steuben County

The attraction should not have any outstanding taxes or liens due to Steuben County.

The attraction should not have any other off-premise signs in Steuben County, except for an approved billboard.

The Indiana Tourist Attraction Sign Policy sets additional requirements for specific types of signs. (Tourist Oriented Directional Signs (TODS), Recreational and Cultural Interest Area Signs (RACIAS), Tourist Attraction Signs, and Destination Signs)

It would be best to simplify the requirements as much as possible to reduce potential confusion.

The petitioner will complete an application form. The petitioner will need to describe the attraction/business and provide information to verify eligibility.

The petitioner will either pay for the county to fabricate the signs or may have an authorized third party fabricate the signs. Costs paid to the county for sign fabrication will reflect the actual costs incurred by the county to the best estimate possible.

The signs may only be installed by the County Highway Department. Costs paid to the county for sign installation will reflect the actual costs incurred by the county to the best estimate possible.

Attractions that have signs installed through the State of Indiana programs are required to pay both an installation fee and an annual maintenance fee. The Steuben County Integrated Sign Program could work similarly or charge a one-time fee. If a one-time fee is charged, the attraction should be responsible for replacement costs as the sign ages or if it is damaged.

The program will need to create specifications for the signs and their installation. Most of this is already outlined in the MUTCD and IMUTCD. The specifications should allow for the sign size, height, setback, and font size to vary based on site conditions (smaller signs with slower speed limits).

The program will need to identify a method of prioritizing attractions for signs if there are more interested attractions than space will allow. Some potential methods include: the distance from the intersection, the hours of operation, the volume of business, whether it’s a local or chain restaurant, etc.

Additional Information.
Just like the Sign Compliance Program, the Plan Commission should work with local interested parties to develop a plan that reflects local needs and requirements as much as possible. It will also be important to coordinate with INDOT and the County Highway Department.

This program will require approval by the Steuben County Board of Commissioners, the County Highway Department, and INDOT.

Plan Commission staff recommend that individuals or businesses who voluntarily remove all of their off-premise signs receive a reduced fee schedule for signs installed as part of the Integrated Sign Program.

Plan Commission staff recommend that individuals or business not be allowed to participate in the Integrated Sign Program if they have any off-premise signs (excluding legal billboards).