Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Board of Zoning Appeals 6/6/11 Results

SE-11-01 Lori Clausen - APPROVED with conditions (5-0)
Special Exception use for a Marina in a Lake Residential zoning district.
1. Contact phone numbers posted on sign.
2. No overnight stays.
3. A maximum of fifteen (15) slips for 2011.
4. A letter from the Steuben County Treasurer stating all taxes have been paid for the property.
5. Porta-John and trash receptacles screened and properly maintained.
6. "No trespassing, violators will be towed" sign required.
7. No additional lighting.
8. Must be reviewed by BZA in October of 2011.

SE-11-02 Sherman Crager - APPROVED with conditions (5-0)
Special Exception for a Mobile Home Dwelling in an Agriculture zoning district.
1. Remove debris within 120 days
2. Remove old trailer within 120 days.

V-11-19 Buescher Homes & Chis Yesh - APPROVED as presented (5-0)
A lake front setback of forty two (42) feet rather than the traverse line setback.

V-11-20 Dan VanGordon & Jerry Loos - APPROVED with conditions (5-0)
A bathroom in a new garage.
Conditions: 1. Bathroom can only have two traps.

V-11-21 Dan VanGordon & Steve & Sherrill Talley - APPROVED as presented (5-0)
a lake front setback of forty five (45) feet rather than the fifty (50) feet required.

The following BZA members were present: Bandelier, Halsey, Keck, Schmidt, & Smith.