Tuesday, June 15, 2010

BZA Results- June 14, 2010

V-10-17 William & Constance Carroll - AMENDED with conditions (4-0)
An amendment to an approved variance to allow for a change to the drainage plan.
Conditions: Getz property is granted rights to access Carroll property to clean-out drain tile.
Notes: Only four BZA members were seated for the vote. Request was considered as old business because it had originally been approved in March 2010.

V-10-38 Brenda Doden - APPROVED with conditions (3-2)
Height of four (4) stories rather than the three (3) stories allowed for a new, single-family home.
Conditions: Residential use only.
Notes: Home will be located on several properties.

V-10-39 Jay & Connie Heckler - APPROVED as presented (5-0)
Side-yard setback of one (1) foot rather than the five (5) feet required for a deck addition.
Conditions: As presented.
Notes: Deck to remain uncovered.

V-10-40A Steven Bennet - APPROVED as presented (4-1)
Plumbing for water in a detached, accessory building.
Conditions: As presented.
Notes: Water will be through a frost-free fixture.

V-10-40B Steven Bennet - APPROVED as presented (5-0)
Accessory structure height of two (2) stories rather than the one (1) story allowed.
Conditions: As presented.
Notes: No living quarters can be installed in the building.